Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The School Year Begins!

Welcome to a “new” school year. Although the Griggs calendar year begins July first, Labor Day weekend marks the start of the traditional school year in the U.S. Even non-educator's get excited about the fresh boxes of crayons, clean notebooks, and  packs of glue sticks that greet you at the doors of many stores.

Over the years I have homeschooled for many reasons; schedule, finances, curriculum management, learning needs, and just plain because I loved it. Whatever your reasons for choosing to homeschool this year, I want to welcome you to Griggs.

The first time I homeschooled, I set up a lovely little classroom in the basement. I painted the walls, put up a marker board and a flag. My husband built little desks, and I set up kid’s book shelves and bought a bean bag chair. I pictured myself happily presiding over two little engaged learners. That’s the way it worked when I was teaching traditional school! Of course, the toddler and infant might be a challenge; but surely they would play quietly with toys, or nap while the older ones worked…

We used that classroom steadily for about a week. By the second week my “school aged” kids preferred to do most of their work at the kitchen table, and I spent my days jumping between changing diapers, explaining math, trying to get my reluctant reader to cooperate, and making sure the toddler wasn’t quiet because she was coloring on the walls in the next room. Of course, there was still housework to do and a family to feed as well. There were days when I just longed to go to the grocery store all by myself.

But I wouldn’t trade the memory of those precious days with my kids for anything. Some days were carefully scheduled and routine. Others days were chaotic. We have memories of great field trips to museums, zoos and historic sites; science experiments with dissections and explosions in the kitchen; hiking and camping trips; gathering up for good movies in the middle of a rainy day; and family meals and cooking that we never seemed to have time for while participating in traditional school.

For this year, you have chosen to homeschool. Whatever your reasons may be for doing so, I pray that you are able to embrace the experience, and enjoy the extra time with your children. Remembering that to maximize their learning you need to balance their learning, provide play time and social interaction, as well as focused academic time. Keep in mind also that your experience will not be productive if you and they are both too stressed.

I want to encourage you to take your time starting up. While children thrive on routine, they also thrive on novelty. It will be important to find a balance that works well for your child. Don’t feel that you have to start every class on the first day. I would be surprised to find an elementary teacher in America that starts with every subject on the first day of school. Try starting with just a few subjects for the first few days of your schooling. This will give both you and your student a chance to adjust to a new schedule and new class requirements. Then slowly build up at a pace that you and your child are comfortable with, until you are completing each subject at a pace that will allow you to finish your curriculum within your allotted time.

I am here to share your experience and help you along the way. You will have days when you love homeschooling. You may have days when you are overwhelmed and need some direction or advice. Try connecting to our Facebook page to stay updated on news and events. Log in for elementary storytime*.  Respond to or follow this blog to begin connecting with other parents in the Griggs community to share ideas and experiences. Together we can team up and support each other in this homeschooling adventure.


Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3  ESV

*For information on elementary storytime, see the announcement on the homepage of your child’s elementary Bible or reading course.

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